Ep. 58 CFM for Teens - 2nd Nephi Ch. 1-2
“Free to Choose Liberty and Eternal Life, through the Great Mediator”
(February 5th - 11th) Listen to this weeks CFM for teens episode for a few key principles from Lehi’s final words to his children. Principles about how God can turn our struggles and adversity into something good. Principles about the Law of Opposition and why it is fundamental to our growth and development. And finally how our choices have the power to lead us to freedom and eternal life or to captivity and death.
In this weeks CFM for teens study and teaching guide we’ll focus on principles about how Heavenly Father can turn our trials into something special and even sacred to us. You’ll learn more about the law of opposition and how it impacts each and everyone of us and why it is so important to our growth and development. And lastly how we can gain, protect and experience greater freedom and power from Christ centered choices. Included are readiness activities and discussion questions, questions to ask and discuss about each principle, journal reflection and application questions, quotes and other materials and ideas to supplement your teaching.
Sign up today to access all the "Come Follow Me" weekly resources to assist both your personal study and your teaching of the "Come Follow Me" Curriculum. Resources especially tailored for teenagers and the young at heart!