Ep. 5 - True Doctrine Understood
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 5 - True Doctrine Understood

Welcome to The Called 2 Serve Podcast. A podcast for future and current missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In this episode of the Called 2 Serve Podcast we'll discuss how to get the most out of your personal study of the scriptures. What it is you are looking for and what you need to find. And most importantly why finding these things is so important and the way they can help, guide and bless our lives. Improving your study will in the end improve your teaching!

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Ep. 4 - Feed Them for a Lifetime
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 4 - Feed Them for a Lifetime

Welcome to The Called 2 Serve Podcast. A podcast for future and current missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In this episode we'll discuss HOW to use the Book of Mormon effectively as a missionary. My hope is that after listening to this episode, you'll never look at teaching the Book of Mormon the same again! My hope is that you will be committed and know better how to feed others for a lifetime!

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Ep. 3 - A Marvelous Work is About to Come Forth!
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 3 - A Marvelous Work is About to Come Forth!

Welcome to the Called 2 Serve podcast. A podcast for future and current missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In this episode we’ll take a look at the greatest tool that God has given to convert the world first to Him, and then to His Church - The Book of Mormon. I’ll share quotes and a few thoughts to help you see just how important this book is to the Lord and His work…so important in fact that the word the Lord uses to describe it is “Marvelous!”

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Ep. 2 - If Ye Have Desires to Serve God
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 2 - If Ye Have Desires to Serve God

Welcome to The Called 2 Serve Podcast. A podcast for future and current missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In this episode we go over the qualifications from the Lord that are required to serve a mission. This episode is for those who doubt themselves, their ability, their faith, and their potential. In order to serve a mission you don’t need to have faith in yourself. Serving a mission is an expression of your faith in God!

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Ep. 1 - Rejoice, The Hour of Your Mission is Come!
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 1 - Rejoice, The Hour of Your Mission is Come!

Welcome to The Called 2 Serve Podcast. A podcast for future missionaries and those currently serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In this first episode we’ll look at all the reasons one has to rejoice when the hour of their mission is come! I’ll also outline what to expect from this podcast and future episodes as you serve or prepare to serve in the greatest work currently taking place on the earth…the gathering of Israel!

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