Ep. 62 CFM for Teens - 2nd Nephi Ch. 20-25
“We Rejoice In Christ”
(March 4th - March 10th) Listen to this weeks CFM for teens episode for insights and principles about how to cultivate greater peach in our relationships and lives. How we can better access and qualify for God’s grace and enabling power and how what we focus on has an expanding effect in our lives! These are a few of the final principles that Nephi, after a life of serving and loving the Lord, wants to leave behind for those he loves most and for all of us in the latter days! Most importantly He wants us to know just how much in his life he has rejoiced in Christ!
In this weeks CFM Study and Teaching Guide we will go over several insights and principles about how to cultivate greater peace in our relationships and lives. How we can better access and qualify for God’s grace and enabling power and how what we focus on has an expanding effect in our lives! These are a few of the final principles that Nephi, after a life of serving and loving the Lord, wants to leave behind for those he loves most and for all of us in the latter days!
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