Ep. 66 CFM for Teens - Jacob Ch. 1-4

“Be Reconciled unto God through the Atonement of Christ”

(April 1st - April 7th) Listen to this "Come Follow Me" for teens episode for insights about three vital principles from one of the greatest talks delivered in scripture. Jacob teaches his people in the temple vital truths such as the healing power of God’s word, the word which “healeth the wounded soul.” He teaches his people about the causes and dangers of Pride and what we can do to stay humble and overcome what President Benson refers to as “the universal sin.” And finally he reminds them that one of the primary functions of the spirit is to speak of things “as they really are” and “as they really will be.” In a world full of deception and artificial intelligence and realities, this function of the spirit has become more important than ever!

CFM Jacob Ch. 1-4 Study and Teaching Guide

Download this "Come Follow Me" for Teens Study and Teaching Guide for insights about three vital principles from one of the greatest talks delivered in scripture. Jacob teaches his people while in the temple vital truths such as the healing power of God’s word, the word which “healeth the wounded soul.” He teaches his people about the causes and dangers of Pride and what we can do to stay humble and overcome what President Benson refers to as “the universal sin.” And finally he reminds them that one of the primary functions of the spirit is to speak of things “as they really are” and “as they really will be.” In a world full of deception and artificial intelligence and realities, this function of the spirit has become more important than ever!

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Ep. 67 CFM for Teens - Jacob Ch. 5-7


Ep. 65 CFM for Teens - EASTER