Ep. 84 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 39-42

“The Great Plan of Happiness”

(August 5th - August 11th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 39-42. Principles and insights taught from Alma to his son Corianton. Principles and insights meant to address the sexual sin his son had been caught up in. Principles and truths to help better understand the seriousness of sexual sin, understand why it is so serious in God’s eyes and how it affects His plan for his children. We’ll also cover the principles and truths taught by Alma to help him and all of us better understand how to overcome these kinds of temptations and that can give us hope that through Christ we can all become clean again!

"Come Follow Me" for Teens Alma Ch. 39-42 Study and Teaching Guide

Purchase and download this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 39-42. Principles and insights from Alma given to his son Corianton. Principles and insights meant to address the sexual sin his son had been caught up in. Principles and truths to help better understand the seriousness of sexual sin, understand why it is so serious in God’s eyes and how it affects His plan for his children. We’ll also cover the principles and truths taught by Alma to help him and all of us better understand how to overcome these kinds of temptations and that can give us hope that through Christ we can all become clean again!

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Ep. 85 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 43-52


Ep. 83 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 36-38