Ep. 74 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 25-28

“They Were Called the People of God”

(May 27th - June 2nd) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for Teens episode for insights and principles from Mosiah Ch. 25-28 about how wonderful of a blessing repentance is and how patient and forgiving the Lord is with us. Principles about how good the Lord is in doing his work with us and in helping us to change. How being born of God is a change and rebirth that each one of us of us needs to go through and experience. And in this episode we’ll take a deeper look at key principles and insights about how to help facilitate this change in each of our lives.

CFM Mosiah Ch. 25-28 Study and Teaching Guide

Purchase and download this “Come Follow Me” for teens Study and Teaching Guide for insights and principles from Mosiah Ch. 25-28 about how wonderful of a blessing repentance is and how patient and forgiving the Lord is with us. Principles about how good the Lord is in doing his work with us and in helping us to change. How being born of God is a change and rebirth that each one of us of us needs to go through and experience. And in this episode we’ll take a deeper look at key principles and insights about how to help facilitate this change in each of our lives.

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Ep. 75 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch.29 - Alma Ch.4


Ep. 73 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 18-24