Ep. 71 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 7-10

“In the Strength of the Lord”

(May 6th - May 12th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for Teens episode for insights and principles from Mosiah Ch. 7-10 about how to stay positive and “lift up your head and rejoice” even when things are not going your way. The role of Prophets as “seers” and modern day examples of how prophets have sounded a voice of warning today. As well as insights about how to make sure we always fight our battles “in the strength of the Lord” instead of giving our power to the “victim mentality” that is so prevalent in our world today. ”

CFM Mosiah Ch. 7-10 Study and Teaching Guide

Purchase and download this “Come Follow Me” for Teens Study and Teaching Guide for insights, principles and other teaching suggestions from Mosiah Ch. 7-10. Insights and teaching ideas about how to stay positive and “lift up your head and rejoice” even when things are not going your way. The role of Prophets as “seers” and modern day examples of how prophets have sounded a voice of warning today. As well as insights about how to make sure we always fight our battles “in the strength of the Lord” instead of giving our power to the “victim mentality” that is so prevalent in our world today. ”

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Ep. 72 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 11-17


Ep. 70 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 4-6