Ep. 105 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - The Restoration of the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
“The Promised Restoration Goes Forward”
(December 30th - January 5th) Listen to this upcoming “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles about the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Principles and thorughts about the Great Apostasy. What led to it and why a restoration was needed. Principles and insights about how the Lord’s Church and Gospel were restored and how it was foretold in scripture. And most importantly the patterns that can be seen in both the Apostasy and the Restoration and how they can be applied to our individual lives. Those patterns when followed will either bring a growing darkness into our life or a restored light!
Purchase and download this “Come Follow Me” for Teens Study and Teaching Guide for insights and principles about the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Principles and thoughts about the Great Apostasy. What led to it and why a restoration was needed. Principles and insights about how the Lord’s Church and Gospel were restored and how it was foretold in scripture. And most importantly the patterns that can be seen in and learned from both the Apostasy and the Restoration and how they can be applied to our individual lives. Those patterns when followed will either bring a growing darkness into our life or a restored light!
Sign up today to access all the "Come Follow Me" weekly resources to assist both your personal study and your teaching of the "Come Follow Me" Curriculum. Resources especially tailored for teenagers and the young at heart!