Ep. 467 Day 2 of Get Grateful (God Doesn't Get You Just Halfway) (Copy)

The more we expect of others, the less we appreciate others. Gratitude is being thankful without expectation.

Josh Downs

In Day 2 of Get Grateful, I'll share a story a true Thanksgiving story that at least two people would also call a Thanksgiving miracle…and through their experience they were reminded of an important truth about God and how he helps us. Whenever anyone helps us get to where we are going, we owe both them and God our thanks! In todays message I'll also share an Thanksgiving invitation for you to better share your thanks with all of those that help you get to where you are going each and every day…as well as an opportunity to partner with me to do it! A fun way to give thanks on Thanksgiving!


Ep. 468 Day 3 of Get Grateful (A Turkey on Every Table)


Ep. 466 Day 1 of Get Grateful (Why Gratitude?)