The truly free individual is only free to the degree of his own self mastery. While those who will not govern themselves are condemned to find Masters to rule over them.

Steven Pressfield - The War of Art

In this episode I'll share a few thoughts to help us keep those influences at bay that are all around us and that seek to become masters over us. The longer I live my life the more convinced I am that the only protective control that will eventually be left in this world will be self control. Some of the greatest things we can teach our kids is how to develop this control while they are with us and why it is so important they learn it. Otherwise they will be destined to have these powerful influences control them. The subtlety of how these things can become masters over us instead of us being masters over them is what is most frightening.


Ep. 38 Time is our Greatest Currency


Ep. 36 Making Decisions Correctly