Ep. 76 Living in Intention Instead of Expectation

Although life won’t always go as expected, we can still choose to live with intention and trust that God will help get us where we want to go even if that help comes in unexpected ways.

Josh Downs

In this episode we'll discuss and look at a life built around expectation and how to move more towards living in intention. Learning to let go of expectations can be hard, but will be one of the most freeing experiences of your life. When a person learns to let go of control, and moves towards acceptance, it opens the door to living life the way it was meant to be lived. We develop the ability to accept life as it is, but also with live with the intent of it being so much more. We learn to trust the flow and the process to get us where we want to go, instead of trying to force things that can't be forced and control things that aren't ours to control. In this episode we'll discuss how to simply enjoy the ride.


Ep. 77 The Wrestle of Prayer


Ep. 75 Stop Shoulding on Yourself