Ep. 90 Dealing with Addiction (Climbing without the Rope)
If you want to help someone the most with addiction then figure out how to help them the least. If you want to save them from the addiction then stop saving them from the addiction. Allow the full weight of the consequence of their choices to be felt…until they are ready to make the climb without you...The more you bail them out, the more of a prisoner they will become. The more you rescue them the more trapped they’ll be. The more you help them, the less they’ll be able to help themselves
Josh Downs
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE listen to this episode!! There won't be person that will listen to this episode who's life won't be affected by this topic in some way and at some point in time. In this episode I'll discuss one of the fastest growing problems not just in our country but in the world. Addiction to harmful substances, practices and technology is rising at alarming rates. While there are no quick fixes or certain solutions there are principles that can help you and those you love better navigate the pains of addiction. In this episode you'll learn how to give those caught in addiction the best chance possible to escape their addiction. In essence you'll learn how to help them climb out, without the rope.