Ep. 106 Gratitude 2.0 (Don't Judge the Moment)

The highest form of Gratitude is found when instead of seeing set backs as road blocks, we see them as building blocks. When this happens, we have learned to be grateful in any circumstance.

Josh Downs

Being grateful for things that are good in life is the beginning of gratitude. Learning to be grateful in any circumstance is where gratitude ends. It's one thing to see what is good as a blessing and another thing to see what is bad as a potential blessing…because it often is, at least in a way we often don't expect it to be. Learning to not judge a moment as bad, keeps us free from defining the moment as bad and instead allows us to trust in God and his plan for us and to believe that even the most difficult of set backs can be the very things that will help us to move forward the most.


Ep. 107 Too Much Sunshine


Ep. 105 A Story of Forgiveness