Ep. 148 Stepping into the Darkness

The miracle happened along the way…in the unknown… We think, "God, part the river and then I'll go". But God says, "Go, then I'll part the river".

Joel Osteen

There are times when we have to step into the darkness in faith, confident that God will place solid ground beneath our feet once we do.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

In this episode, I'll share a couple stories and principles about why it's important for us to accept those times where we won't be able to see our way ahead, and where we can't see the how things will end…and in those moments to still take a step or two into the darkness, into the unknown and trust that God will meet us there. We'll never reach our full potential let alone our destiny, unless we do…While it's always more comfortable in the boat…the growth comes from getting out of it and taking a few faith filled steps.


Ep. 149 Just Five More Minutes


Ep. 147 Everything Happens for Good