Ep. 153 I Am Meant for More (Finding Your Path)

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

Steve Jobs

In this episode I'll share a few thoughts about finding your life's path, and how to tell when you are not traveling on it…In this episode I'll give you 10 signs to look for that will indicate that you might be off your path…and how to get back on it if you are. Discovering what you are meant to do in life is what will help you feel the most happy and fulfilled in your life…until you find that, and go after it, you will always feel like something is off, that something is missing, that you were meant for more and that you are not where you are supposed to be.


Ep. 154 (Throwback Thursday - The Science of Gratitude)


Ep. 152 Removing the Limits on our Limiting Beliefs