Ep. 26 Dealing with Anxiety

Your battles are God’s battles and no matter how long or short they maybe you have the promise that in the end you will be the one left standing because you stand with Him."

Josh Downs

In this episode, I'll share some thoughts and principles to help deal with one of the most difficult battles we can face in life. The battle we will have at times with anxiety. Anxiety is a very real and growing problem, especially among the youth. In this episode I'll cover both practical, and behavior approaches to managing anxiety as well as spiritual principles to help us have faith, courage and hope when facing it. Principles that I believe can help us run towards the causes of anxiety instead of away from them...while also balancing the need at times for professional help to manage it.


Ep. 27 Dealing with Depression


Ep. 25 Who Are Your People? (A lesson from the Redwoods)