Ep. 71b - Self Sabotage

Please understand and believe that healing these self sabotaging behaviors are what God is the best at. His desire is to set us free from the oppression of others, of sin, of addiction and most of all from ourselves and our past!

Josh Downs

In this episode we'll explore the very common practice of self sabotage. Why it happens, how to recognize it, and what to do about it. Self sabotaging behaviors happen on a subconscious level and often are the result of traumatic events in our lives, from which we have learned unhealthy coping behaviors that once the traumatic event is over, we continue to allow play out in our lives. Mindfulness and connecting with God, and sometimes professional help will help to identify these patterns and help you heal and correct them so you can move forward in your life in big ways. We all have limiting behaviors that we must overcome to reach new levels of success and fulfillment in life.


Ep. 72 Switch Points


Ep. 71a - For Mothers (Mother's Day Edition)