Ep. 78 Children and Divorce

You can’t mess up your kids lives as much as you think…especially if you are just trying to do your best. God who knew every situation they would be in long before they were ever in it, has already put everything in place to help them and you through it…so trust Him.


In this episode, I'll share from personal experience, the realities of divorce and the way it can impact children. While never what we would want for any child to experience, there are important principles to understand that can help minimize it's impact. Principles that can not only help parents and children in divorced situations, but can offer help in any traumatic situation, and in any family environment. Divorce although painful for children, can with God's help, like anything, be turned into a positive experience for growth.


Ep. 79 The Value of a Sunset


Ep. 77 The Wrestle of Prayer