Ep. 86 Boundaries Part 4 (How Boundaries are Developed)

Good parenting isn’t hammering your kids until they become the perfect replication of the perfect child or even what you think they should do and be…it means partnering with them to help THEM discover what God intended for them to be and then to help them accomplish that purpose!

Josh Downs

In this episode, we'll take a closer look at when and how most of our boundaries are formed. We'll look at the processes in play from birth, that shapes our boundaries for good or for bad. These processes continue to repeat themselves through the various stages of life either supporting our boundary development in healthy or unhealthy ways. Understanding how boundaries are developed will assist you in understanding what has shaped you, while also empowering you to better help and support the developing boundaries in others.


Ep. 87 Boundaries Part 5 (Boundary Injuries)


Ep. 85 Who Packed Your Parachute Today?