Ep. 160 In God We Trust?

“Providence has heretofore saved us in remarkable manner, and on this we must principally rely.”

George Washington after his surprising victory at Princeton

In this episode, I'll share a few thoughts about an inscription we see, touch and use almost daily. The inscription on our currency that reads, "In God We Trust." The origins of this inscription and moto can help us all adopt it more fully in our lives…as we look to the past, we can better understand why, we can trust God in our present, and have faith in the promise of a wonderful future. I love this motto, statement and at times even a question that is posed to us, every time we hold a coin, or dollar in our hands or sometimes even find one on the ground. 


Ep. 161 If Something Has To Tell You It's Good...


Ep. 159 (Throwback Thursday) The Happiness Trap