Ep. 36 Making Decisions Correctly

When those things God has given us to point the way we should go are in alignment with each other…the better chance you have to make a decision correctly and travel in the right direction."

Josh Downs

In todays episode, I'll share a few thoughts about how to make important decisions correctly. As one saying goes, decisions determine destiny. Not all decisions are of equal weight. Some certainly will impact our destiny more than others. It's those decisions we need to get right. God has not left us alone to make them. He has given us several things in our lives to help point the way if we'll look for them, and use them to help us. He also is a God of second chances and even when we don't make a decision correctly we can always make the decision to get back on track with his help. 


Ep. 37 Master or Servant


Ep. 35 Bankrupt Relationships