"Come Follow Me" Alma Ch. 23-29 Study and Teaching Guide
Purchase and download this “Come Follow Me” for Teens Study and Teaching Guide for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 23-29. Principles and insights about how to become so converted to Christ, His Gospel and His Church that we too “Never will Fall Away.” Principles and insights about what this kind of conversion looks like. How to lay down and “bury deep” those things that are keeping us from Christ and true conversion. Also principles about how we can better face the storms of life with strength, confidence, hope and faith that we can get through them knowing that everything will be ok…And how we can come to believe that like Ammon, we too can do “ALL things in His strength!”
Purchase and download this “Come Follow Me” for Teens Study and Teaching Guide for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 23-29. Principles and insights about how to become so converted to Christ, His Gospel and His Church that we too “Never will Fall Away.” Principles and insights about what this kind of conversion looks like. How to lay down and “bury deep” those things that are keeping us from Christ and true conversion. Also principles about how we can better face the storms of life with strength, confidence, hope and faith that we can get through them knowing that everything will be ok…And how we can come to believe that like Ammon, we too can do “ALL things in His strength!”
Purchase and download this “Come Follow Me” for Teens Study and Teaching Guide for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 23-29. Principles and insights about how to become so converted to Christ, His Gospel and His Church that we too “Never will Fall Away.” Principles and insights about what this kind of conversion looks like. How to lay down and “bury deep” those things that are keeping us from Christ and true conversion. Also principles about how we can better face the storms of life with strength, confidence, hope and faith that we can get through them knowing that everything will be ok…And how we can come to believe that like Ammon, we too can do “ALL things in His strength!”