Getting to know yourself is the experience of a lifetime…and an experience that we can’t have just once or twice…just as a relationship with another fades from lack of time and attention…so will our relationship with ourselves, if we fall to frequently connect with us.

Josh Downs

Of all the people that we have relationships with, the most important relationship you have other than with God will always be with yourself. If knowledge is the beginning of wisdom that knowing yourself is the beginning of becoming wise yourself. In a world where we are becoming more connected with others, we are as a result loosing connection with ourselves. Taking time for you is always time well spent and by taking your V.I.T.A.L.S from time to time will help ensure you don't end up figuratively on life support…while trying to find your way back to you.


Ep. 45 Giving a Purpose to Pain


Ep. 42 The Science of Gratitude