Ep. 49 The Power of Music

“We get nearer to the Lord through music than perhaps through any other thing except prayer.”

President J. Reuben Clark Jr.

In this episode I'll share a few thoughts on one of the most powerful influences for good and bad that we have in life, and that is the power that is in music. From the moment we are born, music begins to impact our lives, whether it is in a lullaby that sings a baby to sleep or a song that affects a person's mood. Music has been referred to as the sound track of our lives and it really is. However it is also a powerful delivery system to our heart and mind, influencing in powerful ways both our thoughts and emotions. It is a power that we need to better utilize and also better guard ourselves against.


Ep. 50 When You Feel Stuck


Ep. 48 The Law of Attraction (Life is Designed to Repeat Itself)