Ep. 50 When You Feel Stuck

When we feel stuck, don't be surprised if God adds to our load before he takes some of it away. Sometimes it's the load we carry that helps us find the traction to move forward again.

Josh Downs - Referencing Elder Bednar's Talk "Bear up their burdens with ease"

There aren't many feelings worse in life than that of feeling stuck. Whether it's stuck in traffic, stuck in mud or snow, stuck in a meeting, or stuck in any number of other situations, we don't like the feeling of being helpless to change something we don't like. In this episode I'll share a few thoughts that can help in those moments where we feel unable to move forward in our life's journey because of the load that we are carrying…and how we come to see at times that it was the load we were carrying that helped us to get unstuck and to start moving again all along.


Ep. 51 How to Avoid Becoming a Prisoner to Our Past


Ep. 49 The Power of Music