Ep. 63 Fundamentals of Healthy Living

The game of life becomes easier as you learn how to let the game come to you…and that confidence comes as you work to get the fundamentals in place. The stronger the foundation, the stronger the structure will be that it is built upon.

Josh Downs

In this episode I'll share a few thoughts about the fundamentals that are essential to experiencing the best health possible our life, as well as a few thoughts on how to better implement them in yours. So many of the problems I've found in the way people feel about themselves and their lives can be traced back to one or more of these fundamentals being out of place. Just like with a building, if the foundation isn't there, the building won't be for very long either. Why bother growing and building our lives, if we don't have the foundation to support it.


Ep. 64 Spiritual vs. Religious


Ep. 62 How to Pull Up, When Others are Pulling Us Down