Ep. 64 Spiritual vs. Religious

All buildings are built best with the scaffolding that surrounds them…so don’t remove the scaffolding around you but also don’t mistake the scaffolding as the building God intends to build. BECAUSE IN THE END HE’S NOT BUILDING A CHURCH AS MUCH AS HE’S BUILDING YOU!

Josh Downs

In this episode, I'll share a few thoughts about a phrase I often hear others say…and that is that "I'm spiritual not religious." Religion almost has a negative connotation today and in some cases for good reason. While I agree, our personal relationship with God is what matters most…I wonder if there is room for both?…and if so what that looks like? Can a person be both spiritual and religious? I believe they can but it takes understanding the intent and purpose behind both and how they can work together to help connect us in a powerful way to God and to each other.


Ep. 65 Get Back UP!


Ep. 63 Fundamentals of Healthy Living