A podcast based on the “Come, Follow Me” Curriculum but geared towards teenagers.

“The greatest yardstick of success is to see how much your daily walk can be like Christ’s—how closely you can walk each moment in His steps.”

Ezra T. Benson


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Ep. 79 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 17-22
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 79 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 17-22

(July 1st - July 7th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 17-22. Principles and insights about how to become an instrument in God’s hands! These are the missionary chapters of the Book of Mormon! In these chapters we’ll learn principles and insights about how to best share the Gospel with others. We’ll look at what it takes to teach with power and authority. We’ll look at how important it is to teach by example and how to find comfort when we face the fear and anxiety that is a part of missionary service. We’ll look at what it means to “win the hearts” of those we teach and the sacrifices that are required as a part of accepting and living the Gospel!

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Ep. 78 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 13-16
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 78 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 13-16

(June 24th - June 30th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 13-16 about who you are and who you were in the pre-existence. Principles to help you make sense of why God allows for pain and suffering in mortality. Why he allows for bad things to happen to good people. And why some are healed and delivered from their trials while others are not. Sometimes as important as it is to have the faith to be healed, it may in the end, be even more important to have the faith “not” to be healed!

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Ep. 77 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 8-12
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 77 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 8-12

(June 17th - June 23rd) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 8-12 about the power of gratitude and how to cultivate it in even when facing disappointment and discouragement. Principles about the blessings that “receiving” the Lord’s anointed can bring in our lives and to our families. Principles about the Savior’s power and ability to save “every man” through repentance regardless of what has been said, done or thought. And finally principles about the significance of the “Why” behind God’s commandments and the importance of tying the things of life and of God back to the plan of redemption, the plan salvation, and the great plan of happiness!’

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Ep. 76 CFM for Teens - Alma Ch. 5-7
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 76 CFM for Teens - Alma Ch. 5-7

(June 10th - June 16th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 5 - 7. Principles about how to conduct a personal interview with yourself to see how your heart is doing in experiencing the “Might Change” required of those that are born of God. Principles and truths about how to start this process of change in your own heart. And finally one of the most important truths to understand about the Atonement of Christ and why he understands us perfectly and all that we go through!

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Ep. 75 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch.29 - Alma Ch.4
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 75 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch.29 - Alma Ch.4

(June 3rd - June 9th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” Study and Teaching guide for insights and principles from Mosiah Ch. 29 - Alma Ch.4 Principles about the balance that exists between freedom and responsibility and how important it is to find the balance between enjoying our rights and privileges while also learning to do our part. We’ll look at principles about how the Lord marks his people and how the those who are of the world mark themselves. Principles about the reasons for these marks and how important it is for the Lord’s people to embrace standing out and being different, no matter the pressures or the size of the crowd against them!

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Ep. 74 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 25-28
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 74 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 25-28

(May 27th - June 2nd) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for Teens episode for insights and principles from Mosiah Ch. 25-28 about how wonderful of a blessing repentance is and how patient and forgiving the Lord is with us. Principles about how good the Lord is in doing his work with us and in helping us to change. How being born of God is a change and rebirth that each one of us of us needs to go through and experience. And in this episode we’ll take a deeper look at key principles and insights about how to help facilitate this change in each of our lives.

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Ep. 73 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 18-24
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 73 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 18-24

(May 20th - May 26th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for Teens episode for insights and principles from Mosiah Ch. 18-24 about how to see clearly and tell the difference between those that are able to help you, lift you and bless your life, from those that will bring you down, hurt you and lead you away from God. Principles about how to handle life’s challenges. Especially those times when “no one can deliver us” from whatever we are going through and how to submit cheerfully and with patience to God’s will, trusting that in His time and way He will deliver us. Also having faith in his ability to bless us with stronger backs to bear our burdens. And finally, we’ll cover three great keys that we can use to always make sure we have the best role models, teachers and leaders in our lives!

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Ep. 72 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 11-17
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 72 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 11-17

(May 13th - May 19th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for Teens episode for insights and principles from Mosiah Ch. 11-17 about how and why happiness from sin is always temporary and how one of the roles of a prophet is to call us to repentance and help us to see how we can improve. Insights about how to make sure that as we go through the motions of the gospel that those motions also go through us and get “written in our hearts.” And finally insights and principles about how to courageously stand for what we believe, even if we have to stand alone!

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Ep. 71 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 7-10
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 71 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 7-10

(May 6th - May 12th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for Teens episode for insights and principles from Mosiah Ch. 7-10 about how to stay positive and “lift up your head and rejoice” even when things are not going your way. The role of Prophets as “seers” and modern day examples of how prophets have sounded a voice of warning today. As well as insights about how to make sure we always fight our battles “in the strength of the Lord” instead of giving our power to the “victim mentality” that is so prevalent in our world today. ”

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Ep. 70 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 4-6
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 70 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 4-6

(April 28th - May 5th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for Teens episode for insights and principles from Mosiah Ch. 4-6. Insights an principles about the cancer of sin and the significance behind receiving a remission of sin through our faith in Christ. Principles about the value of believing in God, the importance of learning to “watch ourselves” through our thoughts, words and actions and finally how to experience “a mighty change'“ and lose our desire for sin and have it replaced with a desire to “do good continually.”

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Ep. 69 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 1-3
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 69 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 1-3

(April 22nd - April 28th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for Teens Podcast episode for insights and principles from Mosiah Ch. 1-3. Insights and principles that center around the significance of having the scriptures “continually before our eyes” and the powerful effects their reminder can have in our lives. The importance of making the temple central in our homes and families…as well as the benefits of considering the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God and how they are blessed, prospered and preserved.

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Ep. 68 CFM for Teens - Enos through Words of Mormon
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 68 CFM for Teens - Enos through Words of Mormon

(April 15th - April 21st) Listen to this "Come Follow Me" for Teens episode for insights and principles from the Book of Enos through the Words of Mormon. Principles about the “wrestle” of prayer and how our relationship with God directly impacts our relationships with others. As well as one of the greatest truths we can come to understand about God. A truth that can help us have more faith in his plan for us individually and trust that He knows how to best help us in every situation we will find ourselves in.

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Ep. 67 CFM for Teens - Jacob Ch. 5-7
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 67 CFM for Teens - Jacob Ch. 5-7

(April 8th - April 14th) Listen to this "Come Follow Me" for teens episode for insights an principles from Jacob chapter 5 “The Allegory of the Olive Tree.” Principles and truth’s centered on God’s love for us as individuals, the lengths he is willing to go through to help us to change and grow and how to apply them to helping others in our lives to change for the better as well. We will also cover a key principle that can help us anytime we find our selves in situations or circumstances that are difficult, challenging and places that we never thought we’d be or ever wanted to be. This is one of the greatest chapters in the Book of Mormon to help us understand what God is doing not just with us as His people, but what he is doing with us as individuals. This chapter gives us a tremendous insight into the specifics of “His Work and His Glory!”

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Ep. 66 CFM for Teens - Jacob Ch. 1-4
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 66 CFM for Teens - Jacob Ch. 1-4

(March 18th - March 24th) Listen to this weeks “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles about the most important things that Nephi has learned from his life and all that he has experienced. These are the things that meant the most to him and that he wants to leave behind for his family, for his people and for all of us. Principles and truths that mark the path that he has walked, that he has followed and that he has loved. Principles and truths that can help us recognize if we are on the same path. The path of faith, the path of hope, the path of love, the path of Christ. He is the path, because he is “The Way.”

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Ep. 65 CFM for Teens - EASTER
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 65 CFM for Teens - EASTER

(March 18th - March 24th) Listen to this weeks “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles about the most important things that Nephi has learned from his life and all that he has experienced. These are the things that meant the most to him and that he wants to leave behind for his family, for his people and for all of us. Principles and truths that mark the path that he has walked, that he has followed and that he has loved. Principles and truths that can help us recognize if we are on the same path. The path of faith, the path of hope, the path of love, the path of Christ. He is the path, because he is “The Way.”

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Ep. 64 CFM for Teens - 2nd Nephi Ch. 31-33
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 64 CFM for Teens - 2nd Nephi Ch. 31-33

(March 18th - March 24th) Listen to this weeks “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles about the most important things that Nephi has learned from his life and all that he has experienced. These are the things that meant the most to him and that he wants to leave behind for his family, for his people and for all of us. Principles and truths that mark the path that he has walked, that he has followed and that he has loved. Principles and truths that can help us recognize if we are on the same path. The path of faith, the path of hope, the path of love, the path of Christ. He is the path, because he is “The Way.”

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